Support: Driver Safety Rating User Manual
Mar 3rd 2024
Support: Driver Safety Rating User Manual
Log In
Please go to and log in using the username and password provided in the email we sent you. Please note that the username and password are case-sensitive. If you have forgotten your password, resetting it can be done through the Forgot your password link.
Eco Driving
Tab Once logged in, go to the Unit Properties by clicking on the wrench icon next to the unit you want to edit then click on the Eco Driving Tab. On this tab, you can select the vehicle type being tracked, Automobile, Truck, or Bus, in the Preset dropdown. The default values will appear when you click the “Add” button. This is the only field we recommend updating in the Eco driving tab.
After adding the criteria and specifying all the required parameters, you can view a report with detailed information about all the violations on the Eco Driving app.
Analyzing this data can help prolong fleet life, cut fuel expenses, ensure cargo safety, and offer insights into emergencies.
To get a driving quality assessment, adjust the settings on the Eco Driving tab in the unit properties of the monitoring system.
Calculating Acceleration
Acceleration is the difference in the unit speed divided by the difference in time. The movement direction of the unit allows for determining the acceleration type: speeding, turn, reckless driving, etc. When calculating acceleration, the following data is used: unit location, initial and final speed values, travel time between two points, unit movement direction, and values of special parameters sent by the device. By default, acceleration is calculated using the GPS and eco-driving parameters method. We strongly recommend that you do not change this